Thursday Feb 15, 2024
110: Bryce Bradley - This Common Practice of Loan Officers Could Be Costing You Hundreds of Thousands in Revenue
Today, we're joined by Bryce Bradley. Bryce is the Co-Founder, President, & CEO of Rosegate Mortgage from Charlotte, North Carolina. Rosegate launched in 2020 with the focus on relationships with customers, and has quickly grown to have 25 Loan Officers.
Bryce is here to discuss:
→ The importance of the alignment call and finding what a client's 'hot button' issues are.
→ The best time for someone to buy a house and how to handle objections from clients.
→ And why Rosegate Loan Officers DO NOT send online application links.
Rosegate Website:
Rosegate Instagram: @rosegatemortgage
Bryce Bradley's LinkedIn: @BryceBradley
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula