How do you stand out as a loan officer in a commoditized industry? As Jason Frazier, Chief Strategy Officer at EPM and a second-generation mortgage professional will tell you, it all comes down to marketing.
“The only way to stand out is by being 10 times better in something,” Jason says. “You’re not going to be 10 times better at service. You’re not going to be 10 times better at rate. You’re not going to be 10 times better at experience. What you can be is 10 times better in your marketing, period.”
Jason, who’s also worked in venture capital technology startups, for hedge funds and as a coach and consultant, sees the loan industry as one that’s been slow to embrace the fundamentals of customer experience, marketing and technology. There’s merit to the way things have traditionally been done, he reasons. But now, it’s time to innovate. On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Jason talk about bringing a disruptor’s mindset to your career as a loan officer.
What You’ll Learn:
- How Jason has used the ACT framework to help both loan officers and agents close millions of deals since 2018
- The importance of finding a coaching group
- Why you need to get rid of “cost mindset” in order to be successful
- And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“The consumer doesn’t want a mortgage. Nobody wakes up and thinks, ‘I want to be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, I want to give you access to my bank account, I want to get all this paperwork and go through all that stuff.’ Nobody wants that. So why are we selling that? Sell what they want. Sell the dream, which is homeownership.”
— Jason Frazier
Connect with Jason:
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website: www.loansondemand.io
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Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula