Monday Nov 15, 2021
18: Patrick Sciaroni — Leveraging Credit Repair for Better (Ethical) Deals
How can you, as a loan officer, leverage credit repair into helping you close more deals? And what does it look like to approach credit repair ethically?
Answering these questions sits at the heart of Patrick Sciaroni’s mission as the founder of Mortgage Ready LLC, a credit repair company based out of Colorado. More so than asking questions himself, listening to the questions others are already asking has helped him break the mold and carve out success.
“You’ve got to use your ears to find out what’s going on, and that’s really how we started Mortgage Ready, was just using our ears and asking loan officers, ‘What do you need? What are you looking for? What irritates you about other companies?’” Patrick says.
In general, for all entrepreneurs, that’s an important lesson to take to heart. Too often, Patrick adds, people tend not to listen to their market and what they’re saying they need. Credit repair companies in particular have become infamous for having closed ears, offering solutions that don’t actually fit the problem — and can even make the problem worse. On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Patrick tells Luke about how he saw an opportunity to approach credit repair differently — and more authentically — and how that’s helping loan officers do better business in turn.
What You’ll Learn:
- Why being a good salesperson sometimes — often, even — means telling people what they don’t want to hear
- Why it’s not necessarily just the “580 crowd” that needs credit repair help, including when purchasing a home
- How loan officers can incorporate credit repair to help give clients a better opportunity to succeed in this space
- And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“The best salespeople have the best ears. They’re listening to their customers and their customers are saying, ‘Help me for this and this reason,’ and you can put your product naturally along the line to their goal. Because in general, nobody wants a mortgage. Nobody wants credit repair. They want a home… and if you listen to them, they’re going to tell you exactly what you need to know to make the sale.”
— Patrick Sciaroni
Connect with Patrick:
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website: www.loansondemand.io
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Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula