Loans On Demand Podcast
From Facebook Ads to the latest/greatest CRM, I’m sharing everything a modern Loan Officer needs to thrive in the 21st century. I share everything I learn about Mortgage marketing - ad platforms, automated follow up, referral strategies, sales/conversion tips, team building strategies, and building the mindset of a champion so that you too can defy the odds and win. This show is for Loan Officers and mortgage brokers who understand that technology will either crush their business or transform it. We tell the stories of countless Loan Officers who have adapted and transformed their business models to dominate in this digital era.
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Four years ago, Shayne Hillier was in a tight spot. He was in a lot of debt, and he and his wife — who was pregnant at the time — had taken out several mortgages. They were also going through a lawsuit, his credit cards were maxed out, and he’d lost several contracts with big customers. He needed a new path, and he needed one sooner versus later.
At the same time, he’d started doing some marketing for his wife, a licensed real estate agent. From there, he began helping the brokerage she was working on and next was introduced to the regional brokerage owners. Ultimately, he started doing marketing for brokerages across the region, and he began coaching other real estate agents and marketing agencies on his tactics, too.
Today, Shayne is bringing his learnings to a broader audience as the co-founder of the 16,000 members-strong Real Estate Marketing Conversion Mastery group on Facebook. He’s also built up a Real Estate Marketing Conversion Academy program, helping hundreds of real estate agents and others in the real estate industry learn how to better generate leads, follow up with those leads, and convert them into actual customers.
On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Shayne talk about the lead generation and conversion lessons that too many in the industry fail to incorporate.
What You’ll Learn:
The broken-down value of a converted lead, according to a case study done by Shayne
Why Shayne believes the opportunity for better real estate marketing is “massive”
How to create a customer worth more than the commission you’re receiving
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“At the end of the day, if you can convert one lead into $15,000 or into $25,000, you need to look at the ROI as opposed to what it's costing you every single month to generate leads. It’s the opportunity. The more opportunities you create, the more conversations you create per cell. And the more deals you're going to get out of those conversations. A lot of people just don't understand that.”
— Shayne Hillier
Connect with Shayne:
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Nov 15, 2021
18: Patrick Sciaroni — Leveraging Credit Repair for Better (Ethical) Deals
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
How can you, as a loan officer, leverage credit repair into helping you close more deals? And what does it look like to approach credit repair ethically?
Answering these questions sits at the heart of Patrick Sciaroni’s mission as the founder of Mortgage Ready LLC, a credit repair company based out of Colorado. More so than asking questions himself, listening to the questions others are already asking has helped him break the mold and carve out success.
“You’ve got to use your ears to find out what’s going on, and that’s really how we started Mortgage Ready, was just using our ears and asking loan officers, ‘What do you need? What are you looking for? What irritates you about other companies?’” Patrick says.
In general, for all entrepreneurs, that’s an important lesson to take to heart. Too often, Patrick adds, people tend not to listen to their market and what they’re saying they need. Credit repair companies in particular have become infamous for having closed ears, offering solutions that don’t actually fit the problem — and can even make the problem worse. On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Patrick tells Luke about how he saw an opportunity to approach credit repair differently — and more authentically — and how that’s helping loan officers do better business in turn.
What You’ll Learn:
Why being a good salesperson sometimes — often, even — means telling people what they don’t want to hear
Why it’s not necessarily just the “580 crowd” that needs credit repair help, including when purchasing a home
How loan officers can incorporate credit repair to help give clients a better opportunity to succeed in this space
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“The best salespeople have the best ears. They’re listening to their customers and their customers are saying, ‘Help me for this and this reason,’ and you can put your product naturally along the line to their goal. Because in general, nobody wants a mortgage. Nobody wants credit repair. They want a home… and if you listen to them, they’re going to tell you exactly what you need to know to make the sale.”
— Patrick Sciaroni
Connect with Patrick:
Mortgage Ready LLC
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Nov 08, 2021
17: Aaron Martinez — How to Hack YouTube as a Loan Officer
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Aaron Martinez’s early days as a YouTube content creator, when he was just 13, were pretty magical — in that he was literally doing magic tricks. He started making videos of his hobby, and soon this segued into him making gaming videos, back “before competitive gaming was cool,” he says. But it wasn’t until he started putting instructional videos on YouTube of himself sharing SnapChat hacks that his digital brand really took off.
“I went from zero to 170,000 subscribers in less than a year just from talking about SnapChat and being the only person that really talked about it,” he says. “I hate the word influencer, but that’s what I was labeled at the time — a ‘SnapChat influencer.’ I got to work with Disney. I worked with Coke. I worked with NASDAQ. I actually worked with Zillow.”
The last of these he finds funny, given the direction he’s since taken his social media-hacking career. For the past seven years, Aaron has zeroed in on real estate and, as co-founder of Revamped Real Estate, helps agents and loan officers unlock the power of YouTube and digital marketing. On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Aaron talk about the idiosyncrasies of YouTube, the promise it holds for loan officers, and common pitfalls to avoid.
What You’ll Learn:
Why YouTube tends to be undervalued as a tool for growing real estate-connected businesses — and why it absolutely shouldn’t be
Why Aaron takes a “travel channel” approach to content
The five videos he recommends you create first
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“Organic YouTube is not instant. You’re not going to see instant results, right? What’s cool about Facebook and Google ads is that you’re basically paying for quicker results, whereas something that’s organic, like SEO and YouTube, takes time. They take time to develop, and it takes a lot of content and iteration.”
— Aaron Martinez
Connect with Aaron:
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Eric Braun, more commonly known online as Not Your Average Lender, is a loan officer out of New York who did just under $40 million in production for 2020. Having gotten started in the business five years ago at the ripe old age of 20, today he’s been licensed for just three years and already has a processor, an assistant and a loan coordinator working for him. But success didn’t find him overnight.
“Everybody sees me as the, you know, overnight success. But that's not my story at all,” he said.
Eric first entered the business as a telemarketer for a loan officer and thought for a while that the job was a temporary one before he ultimately transitioned into becoming an EMT. But despite how grueling the telemarketing gig was, he realized there was potential for him in the mortgage industry — lots of it. He decided to get licensed as a loan officer and build a brand for himself on Instagram. It took about two years of consistent, daily posting for him to start seeing results, but the results did come. Today he has about 14K followers on Instagram alone, and he credits the platform with helping him carve out space in the industry.
On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Eric talk about the tools that helped him build his online presence and the shortcuts he recommends taking for people who want to do the same.
What You’ll Learn:
How, after starting out as “anti-Facebook” and building his presence on Instagram exclusively, Eric’s perspective on social media marketing has evolved
How he takes the online offline and drives real, lucrative results from his marketing
How he’s approaching this “very weird market” we’re in
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“I started to look at relationships as a currency, right? Let me just develop as many relationships as possible. And that took out a lot of the fear and the unwillingness to cold email, cold DM and cold call because it was more so like, ‘I'm reaching out to this guy because he looks like a cool dude and I want to be his friend and who cares if he sends me business? It took a lot of the pressure off. And then it became something that I wanted to do.”
— Eric Braun
Connect with Eric:
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Jimmy Hobson is confident in his abilities as a mortgage broker for a reason.
“If you get approval from me, you’re buying a house,” he said. “I’ve had one deal not close since January of 2019.”
Things weren’t smooth sailing at first, though. Having supported two kids as a single parent on his jobs as a car and Medicare salesman, he ultimately made the switch and got his license as a broker in 2016. He started generating leads, and at first, “it was ugly.” But the tides did turn. In 2018, he did $11 million in production. In 2019, that number became $37 million, and last year it was $73 million. This year, he’s expecting to bring in between $80-90 million in production — all from his wife’s six-by-six foot craft room.
On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Jimmy talk about what, exactly, helped him turn those tides and why being a “little rough around the edges” has (literally) paid off.
What You’ll Learn:
Why Jimmy thinks it’s essential as a broker to be “obnoxious” on social media
How he taught himself the business after a career in car and insurance sales (and how mentors helped)
Why the “whip effect” is part of what’s made him successful
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“That’s what frustrates me, is I look at these guys that have 15 to 20 years in this (business), these guys and gals, and they have 1,500 people. I’m like, how are you not doing $100 million a year in your sleep? Why would you pay for ads for more people when you’ve got all the people you need?”
— Jimmy Hobson
Connect with Jimmy:
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Oct 25, 2021
14: Jason Frazier — Why You Have to Innovate Your Marketing Approach
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
How do you stand out as a loan officer in a commoditized industry? As Jason Frazier, Chief Strategy Officer at EPM and a second-generation mortgage professional will tell you, it all comes down to marketing.
“The only way to stand out is by being 10 times better in something,” Jason says. “You’re not going to be 10 times better at service. You’re not going to be 10 times better at rate. You’re not going to be 10 times better at experience. What you can be is 10 times better in your marketing, period.”
Jason, who’s also worked in venture capital technology startups, for hedge funds and as a coach and consultant, sees the loan industry as one that’s been slow to embrace the fundamentals of customer experience, marketing and technology. There’s merit to the way things have traditionally been done, he reasons. But now, it’s time to innovate. On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Jason talk about bringing a disruptor’s mindset to your career as a loan officer.
What You’ll Learn:
How Jason has used the ACT framework to help both loan officers and agents close millions of deals since 2018
The importance of finding a coaching group
Why you need to get rid of “cost mindset” in order to be successful
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“The consumer doesn’t want a mortgage. Nobody wakes up and thinks, ‘I want to be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, I want to give you access to my bank account, I want to get all this paperwork and go through all that stuff.’ Nobody wants that. So why are we selling that? Sell what they want. Sell the dream, which is homeownership.”
— Jason Frazier
Connect with Jason:
Personal website
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Oct 18, 2021
13: Nathan Einkorn - Taking the Steps Your Competitors are Skipping
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Want to know the difference between the people whose businesses continue to grow year after year and the ones who fade away? Execution. It’s one thing to listen to good advice - it’s another thing entirely to take that advice and show up to act on it day after day.
Nathan Einkorn is the broker/owner at QuickStart Lending, a service that matches would-be home buyers to their ideal mortgage rates with an emphasis on superior customer service and maximum convenience.
On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Nathan break down the big career shift that put Nathan directly in the middle of his purpose and newer, more effective ways to get his message across, why follow-through and an abundant mindset are so critical, and the reading list recommendations that have made both Luke and Nathan the industry standouts that they are today. Tune in for a shot of pure, un-sugarcoated advice that will transform your business if you run with it.
What You’ll Learn:
What clicked differently for Nathan when he began taking on the risks involved with making a real investment in his personal and professional development
Why the attitude of the people you surround yourself with matters, and how it contributes to (or hurts) your own success
How simply being willing to pick up the phone whenever it rings pulled Nathan ahead of the rest of his competitors who shut it down at 5 PM
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“I'm going to give you every tool, I'm going to tell you all the mistakes, I'm going to tell you all that stuff. But what a lot of people don't realize is, you can't go from A to Z. The steps in the middle are so important.”
Nathan Einkorn
Connect with Nathan:
QuickStart Lending
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Oct 11, 2021
12: Adam Hires - How to Make Connections, Not Just Conversations
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
What's on your mind during important calls with prospective customers or colleagues who might bring you more business? If you've got a lot of sales tactics and tricks floating around in your head, forget them—time to bring something a little more fulfilling to your interactions.
Adam Hires is a pillar of the loan officer industry. He serves as the joint owner at Genius Loan Officer and a retail sales manager at Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, the leader of the Hires Team, and a coach for countless up-and-coming entrepreneurs and loan officers.
On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Adam dig into the formula for exceptional sales conversations based on genuine connection and the needs of your prospect, setting boundaries to boost your efficiency and focus, and building relationships that benefit everyone involved (without making anyone feel used). Listen in for an interview that will give you a unique perspective on the give-and-take of a good working relationship.
What You’ll Learn:
What Adam did to differentiate himself from the rest of the loan officers in the industry and gain some momentum from day 1
How to get all the business you could want without having to "beg" for it, and why events will be your best friend
Why money isn't the motivator behind Adam's desire to teach and guide and lend his expertise
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
"You go down that path, and now you have real dialogue. You’re having real conversations. And that's what it's about always. Sales and, being a great loan officer, should be a love language, not a, you know, 'Me against them, I'm tricking them, I'm going to beat them over the head with my solutions.' Can't be that way."
Adam Hires
Connect with Adam:
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Oct 04, 2021
11: Casey Knowles - Basing Your Business in True Value
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
What makes a loan officer thrive? We all look up to industry idols or favored mentors, and we usually imagine that they built their success on some secret strategy or tool that we haven’t mastered yet. But the key to all that prosperity is usually much more straightforward: they just made themselves irreplaceably valuable.
After a short semi-retirement, Casey Knowles realized that he would have to change his entire approach to succeed in today’s mortgage business. Starting solo, Casey began picking up loans where he could and quickly built an elite team of loan officers that helped him take his business to unforeseen heights within a year.
On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Casey dive deep into how Casey took his business from no resources, contacts, and traction to $100 million a year. The way to good agent relationships is shutting down your ego long enough to figure out how you can give to your people (and what you can learn from them) and strategies to help you focus on simply getting a loan every day. Listen in to redefine the word “value” in your business so you can start giving actual value and reaping the rewards.
What You’ll Learn:
How Casey created the value he needed to forge lucrative real estate relationships from the ground up
What Casey’s mentor taught him about cultivating a healthy relationship with your work and finding the right “who” to help you reach your goals
Why finding buyers (however you have to do it) is one of the most valuable actions you can take to kickstart your business’ momentum
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
“The right attitude when you meet somebody, I’ve found, that works every single time - as soon as you meet somebody, you start figuring out, “What can I do to help this person out?” Because I feel that if I'm always thinking like that, I don't think anybody can replace me. Because if I am providing value all the time, like, it would cost them money to get rid of me.”
Casey Knowles
Connect with Casey:
The Casey Knowles Team
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula
Monday Sep 27, 2021
10: Michael Mann - Become a Million Dollar Loan Officer
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
More real estate agent appointments = hours of work added to your calendar...right? Well, only if you're doing it the hard way. But the brightest minds in real estate know there's a better method.
Michael Mann is a loan officer with an 18-year career under his belt, the head of the Michael Mann team, the author of 9 Figure Blueprint, and the creative mind behind the Million Dollar Loan Officer program. His strategy for gaining visibility and streamlining operations continues to add freedom and prosperity of epic proportions to the lives of loan officers everywhere.
On this episode of the Loans on Demand Podcast, Luke and Michael discuss the strategy Michael used to saturate his marketplace and meet with an unbelievable number of agents with minimal effort, how that strategy became the Million Dollar Loan Officer program (plus why the program is your gold mine), and the doors that open when you learn to be a little bolder. Listen in to get in on a life-changing new way to grow your business exponentially without spending 24 hours a day by the phone.
What You’ll Learn:
How Michael's premature infant daughter became his biggest inspiration to fight through the toughest years of his business and his life
What an effective team that makes your life easier looks like, how to pick the people on that team, and what the returns can be when you do
Why the time saved by the Million Dollar Loan Officer program is never just time saved - and what just one more transaction could mean for your goals
And much more!
Favorite Quote:
"We came up with this methodology… to get more real estate agents in three months than most LO's will get in three years. But the thing I'm most proud about, the caveat of it is, is to do it in less time. Do it in way less time."
Michael Mann
Connect with Michael:
Million Dollar Loan Officer on Facebook
Learn more about the Direct to Consumer LO Accelerator here.
Loans On Demand Website:
Loans On Demand YouTube: @LoansOnDemand
Loans On Demand Instagram: @loansondemand
Luke Shankula's Facebook: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's LinkedIn: @LukeShankula
Luke Shankula's Instagram: @lukeshankula